Tag: exosome flow cytometry

immunoblotting technique, Completing the Immunological Fingerprint by Refractory Proteins: Autoantibody Screening via an Improved Immunoblotting Technique.

Completing the Immunological Fingerprint by Refractory Proteins: Autoantibody Screening via an Improved Immunoblotting Technique.Completing the Immunological Fingerprint by Refractory Proteins: Autoantibody Screening via an Improved Immunoblotting Technique.

Figuring out autoantigens of serological autoantibodies requires costly strategies, reminiscent of protein microarrays or IP+MS. Thus, sera are generally pre-screened for attention-grabbing immunopatterns by way of immunocytochemistry/immunohistochemistry. Nonetheless, distinguishing immunopatterns

Identification of new semen trait-related candidate genes in Duroc boars through genome-wide association and weighted gene co-expression network analyses

Identification of new semen trait-related candidate genes in Duroc boars through genome-wide association and weighted gene co-expression network analysesIdentification of new semen trait-related candidate genes in Duroc boars through genome-wide association and weighted gene co-expression network analyses

Semen traits are essential in industrial pig manufacturing since semen from boars is broadly utilized in synthetic insemination for each purebred and crossbred pig manufacturing. Revealing the genetic structure of