Tag: Puc18

arf1 antibody, Cell-matrix adhesion controls Golgi organization and function through Arf1 activation in anchorage-dependent cells.

Cell-matrix adhesion controls Golgi organization and function through Arf1 activation in anchorage-dependent cells.Cell-matrix adhesion controls Golgi organization and function through Arf1 activation in anchorage-dependent cells.

Cell-matrix adhesion regulates membrane trafficking controlling anchorage-dependent signaling. Whereas a dynamic Golgi advanced can contribute to this pathway, its regulation by adhesion stays unclear. Right here we report that lack

Semi-automated single-molecule microscopy screening of fast-dissociating particular antibodies instantly from hybridoma cultures

Semi-automated single-molecule microscopy screening of fast-dissociating specific antibodies directly from hybridoma culturesSemi-automated single-molecule microscopy screening of fast-dissociating specific antibodies directly from hybridoma cultures

Quick-dissociating, particular antibodies are single-molecule imaging probes that transiently work together with their targets and are utilized in organic functions together with picture reconstruction by integrating exchangeable single-molecule localization (IRIS), a multiplexable